Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Worst Punishment of All
The weather hasn't exactly been stellar either. Yesterday I read an article that said British weather forecasters were revising their predicitons of a "barbeque summer." Now, they say, it is likely to rain throughout July and August. George and I thought it was a bit funny that they were making predictions about what July's weather would be like during the last week of July.
So... the girls and I have been trying to stay busy and entertained in the unpredictable British weather. We are often inside together all day. We are often getting in each other's space and on each other's nerves. (Don't forget I've got the hormones working on my side of things as well.) Yesterday started out to be "one of those days." Before I had even dragged my massive self out of bed, I could hear my two darling daughters absolutely screaming at each other...things like, "Emma, you NEVER share anything with me!!" and "SOPHIE, you are the meanest pest ever!!"
Often in these situations I find myself a bit torn. One of our family rules is: No shouting at each other.... BUT I want to raise girls who are confident with expressing themselves. I also know that sometimes when I find myself in the midst of a hormone-encrusted, illogical fury, a good scream really does make me feel better. Last night, for example, my husband laughed out loud in a really annoying way...or maybe he scraped his spoon against his dish...or perhaps he was just sitting there breathing and just generally being too close to me. Whatever the case, I snarled at him, "Remember how when I'm in the third trimester of pregnancy, I hate you?" Then I smiled sweetly, and felt all better. It wasn't shouting, but it was still a bit of a nasty way to express my feelings.
Back to my original point, I want my daughters to be able to express their feelings of frustration, but it's difficult to expect them to always do it respectfully when this is something of which I am completely incapable. Have you ever been locked inside the house on a rainy day with Emma Carson while she sings "I Know a Song That Will Get on Your Nerves" at the top of her lungs all day?
So yesterday morning, we had the chat about giving each other space, listening to each other and not hurting or screaming at each other. This all happened at around 8 am. (I didn't realize that George had had the exact same conversation with the girls at 7:30 am while I snoozed.) By 8:45 things hadn't improved, and I was at my wit's end. "THAT'S IT!!!" I screamed, "For the rest of the day, I want you two to stay away from each other. Don't look at each other. Don't talk to each other. Don't even THINK ABOUT each other!!! And I mean it!" "And I mean it," is one of those things you get to add to the end of sentences when you're the mom and you've had it in spades.
Sophie immediately obliged. Emma tried to negotiate a "one more chance," but I wasn't having it. Emma was clearly upset and tearful saying, "It's so unfair that I'm not even allowed to play with my own sister." Sophie appeared to actually enjoy the hiatus from her sister briefly. About forty-five minutes later, Sophie approached me and asked, "Can me and Emma play again? We promise we won't fight." I agreed to give them one more chance, and would you believe it? They didn't fight for the rest of the day.
Let the punishment fit the crime. Often it's quite effective.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I'm Not the Only Thing Growing Around Here...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
A Big Day For Emma!
Big girl back at home with her new red baubles...
Sophie was feeling a bit left out of all of the photography, so Emma took this photo of the two of us in our green dresses in front of our green apple tree. "We're the ladies in green!" Sophie sang.
I'm feeling a bit more like... "Ho ho ho! Green Giant!"
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!!
As always, as nice as it is to get away, it's even nicer to come back home to one's own bed...especially when you're in the last trimester of pregnancy and have trouble getting comfortable at night anyway. Tonight I will enjoy my big bed. I will also enjoy NOT having to climb over sleeping children on an inflatable mattress in the hallway when I get up to go to the bathroom multiple times. Dorothy said it best, "There really is no place like home!"
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Off to the Wild Wild West...
Hooray for the summer holidays!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Reading Magic
Well, things were looking good for a few weeks, and now, as we approach the summer holidays, it all seems to be falling apart on us. Just when I had bought all sorts of cute maternity sundresses and skirts, the temperamental, cloudy atmosphere returns. Yesterday when I went to collect the children from school, the sun was shining when I got out of the car, so I left my coat and umbrella behind. By the time I walked up to the schoolyard, however, the rain was tipping down. Typical.
There are only two more days of school, and we are planning a getaway to West Wales this weekend. The weather forecast suggests there is a 70% chance of rain every day we are away. This, of course, makes this mama want to cuss, but maybe we'll get lucky. If not, maybe we'll cut the trip short and try again another time. You all know what Mark Twain said about the weather.
On to the topic suggested by my seemingly irrelevant title... The Carsons had an adventure on Sunday afternoon. We all piled into the VW Touran, and headed over to our new Cardiff Costco where we spent hours browsing the American -style wholesale warehouse. Of course we needed that industrial-sized box of frozen mozzarella sticks that we purchased...every pregnant lady does. Sixteen tins of baked beans? Bring it on! We also found a few American items that we didn't know we were missing: things like... Hershey's chocolate syrup (2 ginormous bottles), the biggest bag of Rocky Mountain Marshmallows I've ever laid eyes on, and a box containing about a hundred bags of Orville Redenbacher's microwave popcorn. I am thinking that all three of the previously mentioned ingredients could probably be combined to create something that would make Paula Deen's toes curl.
Needless to say, we spent a bit of money and came home with a car full of industrial-sized joy. One of our seemingly insignificant purchases was an anthology of stories that I picked up for Emma. The book was entitled Illustrated Stories for the Holidays. I thought it would be a good one since her summer holidays start on Friday. Little did I know, this book would inspire a full-on obsession with reading on Emma's part. She began to devour it on the way home and has had her nose buried in it almost constantly ever since. Every night this week, George or I have had to go into Emma's room multiple times and tell her to turn off the light, put the book away and go to sleep! "But Mom," she says, "I just love this book! I love the words! I love the way it feels! I love the way it smells, and I just want to find out what happens at the end!!" I am so happy that Emma has caught a case of "Reading Magic" at the tender age of 7. (Now she understands what was going on with me when that last Harry Potter book came out, and I locked myself in the bedroom for the day.)
On a similar note, our local Borders is sadly closing this summer and everything in the store is 50% off. I went over there yesterday morning and just about went into labour (no, not really), I was so excited about all of my finds. I came home with lots of those, good-smelling, joy-bringing, page-turners for the whole family...even a few new board books for our new, little future-book-lover.
"Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book." ~Author Unknown
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Jack & Toby Are Back!
Jack and Toby are Sophie’s imaginary friends who have been en absentia lately.
“Oh,” I said, “Jack and Toby are back? They’ve been away for a while. Have they been on holiday?”
“Yes,” she told me, “They’ve been to Egypt.”
“Wow! Egypt sounds exciting. What did they see there?” I queried.
“Oh, just some camels.”
“Did Jack behave himself?” I asked since Jack tends to be naughty by nature.
“Yes, Toby was looking after Jack, so he didn’t get into any trouble. Toby has to really look after Jack because he is a little rascal.” And so the conversation continued.
How I love having creative little girls around the house. I think about how rarely we actually play with toys around here. This weekend, the kids have kept themselves very entertained with cutting and coloring paper doll chains. Emma has also been engrossed in her Hama beads again, making ducks and little girls this time. And I have been drawing inspiration from them both. Creativity is contagious, you know.
Last night at bedtime, Sophie came in listening to her song list on the iPod. She sat next to me on the bed, took out the ear buds and asked, “Where are the baby’s ears? I think she needs to hear this.” The song was Big Girl, You are Beautiful by Mika, and the ear buds were directly smashed onto my abdomen. Sure enough, Mika got a response, and the baby began to groove along to the music a bit. Sophie already feels certain that she and her new sister are going to get along swimmingly.
Wishing you creative bliss and the knowledge that YOU are beautiful…wherever you are reading this.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Hello My Baby, Hello My Honey...
Sophie has been developing a lovely fondness for the little girl growing inside me. She often lifts my shirt and whispers into my tummy, "Hello, baby. This is Sophie, and I love you!" She also often whispers, "Stay in there. I don't want mom to have to go to bed." Sophie also likes to put her ear to my tummy to see if anyone ever answers back. Unfortunately Sophie has the attention span of...well, a five year old, and she hasn't yet been able to feel the baby kicking. Anytime she is around and I feel big movements, I call her over and have her put her hand on me to feel. Inevitably the movement instantly stops, and after about thirty seconds, Sophie is completely bored with waiting. I am reminded of the Warner Brothers singing/ dancing frog who always clams up and croaks anytime his owner tries to show him off.
Sophie has another theory as to why she's never able to feel the baby move. "I'm just cwtching her," Sophie says, "And I made her go to sleep." It is lovely and surprising to see that Sophie already seems to be forming a kind of bond with her new sister. This little girl is so blessed to have four elated people at home waiting excitedly to greet and welcome her into the world.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Out of the Mouth of Emma
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The Secret
Don't get me wrong; the last eight years have been mostly very happy ones. My husband and I enjoy each others company. We appreciate the other's sense of humour. He "gets" me, and I "get" him. But I have secretly been driving him crazy for years. You see, George is rather tidy, and I am a bit more free spirited. I fail to notice that my nightgown has been hanging on the bedpost for three weeks or that I have left the drawer in the kitchen open again. When I look into the room, my eyes don't even focus on the cereal box on the table or the book that I was reading left lying on the floor. This drives my husband crazy. He comes home from a long day at work, sees the cereal box and the not-yet-sorted shopping bags on the counter (which were left there because I was distracted when the phone rang and then ultimately forgot they even existed). He is bothered by these things the same way that I am bothered when I read gross misspellings and poor grammar. He is bothered by these things the same way I am bothered by headlice or moldy bread. It's that bad. And I am only just "getting" this.
I am not inspired to keep a super tidy house because it doesn't bother me. I will not have grungy countertops or nasty sinks, but clutter goes completely unnoticed by my eyes. What I have recently figured out is that if I maintain more order at home, it makes my husband happy. If I look at a pile of clean laundry that needs putting away, I now think of it as an opportunity to make my husband happy, and I do so love it when my husband is happy. I have often heard it said that "when Mama's happy, everybody's happy," but this also applies very much to Dad.
So...the secret to a happy marriage? Find out what your partner wants, and give it to them. It has taken me eight years to determine that making the bed and putting away the dishes would bring glee to my partner. And for me, regarding that unmade bed as an opportunity to show my husband that I care about him, makes me feel much more inspired to complete the task.
So...that is what's working this week. We'll see if I carry on feeling so service-oriented as I become more and more pregnant, but for now, I feel enlightened and George feels loved. Who knew that those Five Love Languages were for real??
Sunday, July 5, 2009
"Where Liberty Is, There Is My Country." -Benjamin Franklin
We started off our Fourth of July at a British Medieval Faire at Christ Church in Radyr, and why not?
Later on in the evening, we did it up right with hot dogs, hamburgers, fife and drum music and even our own fireworks show. My American friend Kim and her family were among our guests, and we all enjoyed watching her two-year-old Kyle respond to the fireworks. It was a pretty even blend of excitement, delight, and terror. Emma and Sophie also enjoyed palling around with little Kyle. By the end of the evening Emma had decided that, as much fun as he was, she is glad I am having another girl. "Little boys are a LOT of work!" she said, "I cleaned up everything he wrecked, but it wasn't easy!!"
(The kids are pictured above cheering for the fireworks in our back garden)
Little What's Her Name...
Friday, July 3, 2009
A Poor Sick Peanut
So... after taking a less-than-thrilled Emma to school on her own again, Sophie and I trotted over to Radyr Medical Centre where I was surprised to find a young doctor who was very concerned about the peanut's condition. she's on yuck anti-biotics for a chest and ear infection. I'm sure my remedies of soup, popsicles and rest would have eventually done the trick, but hopefully she will be back to her usual self even quicker now. On the walk from the surgery to the pharmacy, we enjoyed counting all of the garden snails stuck to the stone walls along the way. For the record, Wales must be a very hospitable place for garden snails as there were scads of them.
Otherwise there is not much to report. We are hoping to celebrate the 4th of July with some fellow Yanks at our house tomorrow evening. If we get up to any noteworthy high jinks, I will be sure to post.
If you're reading this from the land of the free and the home of the brave, I hope you have a wonderful and festive weekend!