Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Campers. Happy Father's Day.

Here is a question... Has anyone ever woken up after a night in a sleeping bag, outdoors, in a tent, on uneven ground and said, "Wow!  I slept great!!  In fact I feel fantastic!"

I know you happy campers are out there.  You love the sounds of nature in the early hours of the morning.  You equally love the sound of the tent zipper being ripped open in the middle of the night to let a desperate seven year old escape and wee behind a pine tree.  You love being huddled under blankets with chattering teeth and marveling at how "at one" you are with nature and what not.  You also love knowing that there is a strange assortment of bugs flying and crawling around in the tent with you as you shiver and marvel.  God's creatures are so precious.  I know you happy campers love these things, but I happen to prefer a supportive mattress, climate control and perhaps a gourmet meal or two while I'm on vacation.

Basically what I am saying is that I am an awesome wife and mother.  My husband wanted to go camping for Father's Day, and my kids were so excited they could hardly see straight.  So I and my bad back took one for the team, and I have to admit I loved being with my family of happy campers this weekend.  I even learned (or was helpfully reminded of) a few things:
  • For some reason being woken by a wild turkey at 5 am is slightly less annoying than being woken by a family of ducks.
  • Little girls and boys of all ages find peeing in the woods to be an amazing and liberating experience.
  • Catching one's first fish is simply magical.  I don't care who you are.
  • The tooth fairy makes tent calls.
  • Hobo Casserole tastes so good after a day out in the sun.
  • Mosquitoes find my daughter Emma to be particularly delicious.  This morning she counted 19 bites.
  • Hot dogs taste better when cooked over a camp fire.
  • It's okay if my one year old takes her top off in a boy friend's tent right now, but it won't be in 10 years or so.
  • S'mores: you cannot eat just one. 
  • Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy.
  • I love my family and consider myself to be one lucky mama. 

This little girl LOVED waking up in a tent next to her Daddy every morning.  Happy Father's Day indeed!

1 comment:

Uncle David said...

S'mores - it's true. They're named after "I want some'more." At least it sounds like it's true.