Monday, September 24, 2012

The Family that Plays Together...

I had never devoted much thought to the trumpet.  It is a fine instrument, and Dizzy Gillespie was beyond words fabulous, but before tonight, I had never really had a personal experience with the trumpet.

But lately my daughter Emma has been talking a lot about the trumpet.  She is a girl who knows her mind and knows exactly what she wants.  When the opportunity to join the 5th grade band presented itself, she was all over it, and she knew that the trumpet was the instrument for her.

What?  Everybody plays trumpet in bed, right?

Tonight Emma's Dad took her out and signed a rental agreement on a brand new, shiny, fantastic trumpet.  I looked at the final price on the agreement, and made Emma swear that she wouldn't change her mind about the trumpet next week.  She promised.  Then she took off all of the plastic and attempted to wow us with a forceful, solid blast from her new instrument.  She got there eventually, and the littlest Carson, who was by her side chanting, "Blow your horn, Emma!!" clapped her hands with sheer delight as that victorious note finally filled our bedroom.

When she (our littlest) announced, "I want to try," we all thought it would be kind to oblige...
What we didn't expect was that she would take a deep breath and immediately blow the loudest, most clear note ever played by a two-year-old.  No fact-checking required.  We are totally certain she is a child trumpet prodigy.  So while none of us had thought too terribly much about trumpets or other brass instruments prior to this evening, now we are all big fans.  Tonight the trumpet brought us more joy and laughter than we ever would have expected.  Imagine how much fun it will be when one of us actually knows how to play it!

Please remind me of this endearing moment in a few months when I have been listening to my daughter practice playing her wounded giraffe... I mean, trumpet, upstairs every afternoon.  Because trumpets aren't cheap, and that girl IS going to be practicing every day.

(I kind of love these people.)

1 comment:

Pam B said...

Sorry to tell you that you really do need to sign her up for private lessons. Then she'll know the skills to practice & develop good habits and with the right teacher, they can even be fun!