Monday, July 12, 2010

A Woman With a Past

Over the weekend, we unpacked lots more boxes.  Strangely they seem to be multiplying in the garage, but George assures me we will get through them all one day.  We feel a bit like archaeologists digging through the boxes that contain evidence of who we were in the past... before Wales.  We have found scads of old photographs which have reminded us that we didn't always have these lines around our eyes, and that I used to be completely stretch mark-free once upon a time.

Our children are also enjoying discovering these relics of our past.  One of my most dear finds is pictured above.  It's my Ernie.  He was my version of "Lambie," and as you can see from the above photo, he had to endure a pretty serious open-heart procedure which was performed lovingly by my late Grandmother, Adeline.  I loved that boy so much that I nearly chewed his ears off entirely.  (Now George finally understands that that is just the way I show affection.)

Among our other great childhood toy finds were: a box full of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (not mine), a remote controlled Corvette with a cord (also not mine), and FOUR Cabbage Patch Kids.  Emma and Sophie are completely smitten with those horrible "Cabbage Babies," as they call them.  Giselle Heniretta, Vivian Lorraine, Ernie Rick and Bubba Blake have come out to play again.  I am not, however, sharing ear-less Ernie.  He's all mine.

For more giggles about old childhood finds, check out my friend Shay's blog from her archives:

1 comment:

Heather said...

I didn't have an ernie of my own, but my oldest-Owen- had one as a lovie for quite a few years. It is now lovingly packed among our keepsakes. He took it everywhere...nursed it along with me nuring a baby many a time. I love ernie!!! such good memories!