Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Unintended Results of Having a Costume Party in July

Perhaps you can imagine how thrilled my two year old was when Scooby Doo came to her house a couple of weeks ago.  It was so exciting; all of the grown ups were dressed in fabulous costumes.  Shortly before the party started, she asked me to put on her Pablo (from the Backyardigans) costume.  Of course I obliged, fastening all 77 snaps, then realizing I was off by one when I got down to her feet.  I was slightly frustrated by the time we got the costume on properly, but I felt it was important that she was involved in the fun.  Lili looked at herself in the mirror, giggled, and then, in one quick motion, tore open all of the snaps and declared, "Now I want to be a princess!!"

"No."  was my simple answer.  I still had to get myself dressed and arrange all of the Scooby Snacks on the table. She settled for a princess night gown. 

Still it was all very exciting and, as it turns out, also a little confusing.

Everyday since I hostessed that lovely costume party, I have been trying to make my littlest daughter understand that it is NOT time for Halloween yet.

"When is it gonna BE Halloween??" She wants to know. 

Have you ever tried to explain what "three months" means to someone this age?

"Is it gonna be Halloween TOMORROW?"


"WHEN are we gonna go HALLOWEENING!?"

We took a walk outside and looked at our surroundings.  We saw birds and noticed that it was very warm and sunny.  We remembered that we can pick blueberries and eat watermelon because it is summertime right now.  Summertime!  Not autumn yet... THAT is when Halloween comes.

"Ok.  But when is it gonna BE Halloween, Mom?  Are you gonna be a scary, scary witch? And am I'm gonna eat candy?"

Oh dear.

We continue our discussion daily.  It will not be time for Halloween until the leaves fall off of the trees and the pumpkins are ripe. 

"Are there pumpkins out yet?" I ask.

"Nope.  But can I go trick-or-treating?" She replies.

Last week we went for ice cream at our favorite local shop and noticed that there were pumpkins planted out back.  We inspected them and noted that the pumpkins were all still very green, not at all orange and pumpkiny.  

Still several times a day she asks me, "Mom, when's it gonna be Halloween?"

"The pumpkins are still green, Lili."

"Yes, the pumpkins are not ready yet.  Can I have a marshmallow?"

I predict a very long three months ahead.


JF said...

Time for an orange-and-black Halloween countdown paper chain ...

mamacarson said...

I actually LOVE that idea, JF :)