Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Big House in the Little Woods

Did I tell you about how good my sweet Lili was on that international flight?  Did you hear me bragging about what a little star she was throughout all of our journeys, flight connections and hotel stays?  She was an absolute charmer and made friends everywhere we went.  Even the macho Scotsman who sat on the other side of her on the long flight from Heathrow was playing peek-a-boo before the 81/2 hours was up.  I was ever so grateful for this, because I know that things could have gone very differently.

In fact for the last five days, things have been very different.  Lilianna Gwyneth is having a hard time coping with these American germs and viruses.  I haven't heard so much screaming since Justin Bieber came to town.  Additionally I have become a walking human-Kleenex.  Have you ever tried unpacking several hundred boxes whilst holding a snot-dripping, hollering infant.  I'm sure you have, so you know what I'm on about.

Don't get me wrong, I am still in relatively good spirits (despite that little temper tantrum I threw in the car this afternoon when I shouted, "I can't take any more of this crying!!").  My (mostly) positive attitude can be attibuted to what a lovely place this appears to be.  The people are friendly.  The temperatures are perfect, and the view from my bedroom window is darn near heavenly.  This morning I was tiredly feeding a grouchy baby in our bed, when I looked up and saw a beautiful, brown deer tiptoeing across the woods in our backyard.  She lingered for several minutes while I sat perfectly still, not wanting to disrupt the magic.  Later in the day I sat with all three girls on our back porch swing.  As we swung, I looked up and saw treetops, blue skies and a few wispy, white clouds.  I could so get used to this, y'all.

Hopefully I will have some photos soon.  I have misplaced the USB cord that goes with my camera, so I am trying to sort that...

Until then, I leave you with this, the state motto of Michigan: "Si Quaeris Peninsulam Amoenam Circumspice."
(If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look around you."

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