Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wish Come True

Hooray! We got our snow! Strike up the band; there is no work today. It's a play day; hooray!! Except, wait! There WAS school today!! Seriously?? What compassionate parent could send her children to school when the ground is covered in snow and as fresh snow continues to fall? Not this one.

In fact we all skived off today, even George. As a friend of mine (and fellow skiver) said, today making snowmen seemed much more important than school. I am so glad we all played hooky today. Now, it's 2 pm and the snow is already melting quickly.

Sophie was a huge fan of the snow this morning. She and George had a fierce snowball fight in the back garden and she seemed to equally enjoy hitting and being hit. It seemed as though Sophie's attitude about snow had greatly improved since our last bout with it 2 years ago. After the snowball frenzy, we all went down to the park to build a giant snowman. I didn't capture any very good snowman photos since about 10 minutes into it, Sophie decided she had had ENOUGH, and that is when the screaming commenced. I am talking about the kind of screaming that makes one's ears want to bleed. We should feel guilty, but George and I had to laugh. Snow was falling silently and beautifully, and our little angel was howling (louder than you can imagine), "I'M SOOO COOOLD!!! I WANNA GO HOOOOME!!" I agreed, of course, to take Sophie home. She screamed the whole way. (My next door neighbors later asked if she was okay.) When we actually got to the door, Sophie let out three or four more enraged roars before entering the house. (Note to self: Do not book a skiing holiday anytime soon.) So, our Sophie continues to be a girl of extremes. When Little Miss Sunshine gets uncomfortable, she can occasionally, but quickly become Little Miss Rage Against the Machine. It is what it is. After stripping off her wet clothes, donning my furry socks and wrapping up in three blankets, her rage slowly subsided. An hour later, she was out in the back garden in bare legs! That's our girl...and one of the reasons why life here is never dull.

Happy Snowy School Skipping to all!

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