Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Coming Out of the Closet...

And putting on my big girl pants. Yes, I have finally announced to the world that we are indeed expecting baby number three, and probably just in time. The belly seems to be popping out quite quickly this time. The other day, my Sophie, who is five, was writing and drawing. I caught a glimpse of one of her papers on which she had written, "Big Fat Mum." I asked hopefully, "Sophie, did you write this because you were mad at me?"

"Nope." She responded casually. In other words, "You are just big and fat, as a matter of fact." Oh well, this is what is supposed to happen during pregnancy, no? And according to my ante-natal check today, I am still in the "green/ healthy" range for BMI, so it can't be too bad.

I am actually just happy that food sounds good again. I really struggled during my first trimester and spent lots of time choking down the only foods that seemed palatable: cheese, bread and Rice Krispies. It was an Anniversary miracle that I was actually able to cook a decent meal last Tuesday for the first time in many weeks!

I had my first hospital visit to the Royal Glamorgan today, and was pleasantly surprised with how nice and friendly everything was. The adorable, blonde midwife that took me through everything today was so lovely and responded to nearly everything I said with the word, "Fab-o-lous!" Since the kids are still out of school on Easter break, all four of us got to see our baby dancing on ultrasound. This still amazes me even the third time around. I have a person growing inside of me!! We are very happy...and no longer keeping it a secret!!

1 comment:

JaclynJohnson said...

I'm glad you're out of the closet now. :-) I have noticed with this second pregnancy, I have jutted out quite far and very quickly (though it has to be mostly bloating since I am aware that the baby is still just the size of a fig). Good luck with everything, and keep us posted!