Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Eight Years!

Yesterday was our eighth wedding anniversary, and I am afraid that once again, no grand gestures were made. Not that I am complaining; I think maybe the Carsons are just not grand gesture kinds of people. George did bring me the beautiful flowers pictured above along with a funny story about buying them, and I was able to make a really nice dinner for the first time in weeks AND prepare George's favorite: doo doo balls. I mean honestly, is there anything that says, "I love you," more than a fresh steaming batch of doo doo balls? But...apart from that, George had to work all day and I had play rehearsal in the evening, so we didn't have that big romantic evening that I think we were supposed to have.
Actually, I don't know that we've ever had a "proper" romantic anniversary. We really got off on the wrong foot with our first anniversary which had me on strict bedrest with my pregnancy with Emma.... and then, life just sort of happened. Every year lately we seem to be travelling (with our children) on our anniversary since it always seems to fall around the Easter holidays, and believe me, overseas travel with young children typically doesn't inspire romance.
I suppose if we aren't bothered, it doesn't really matter. I couldn't be happier about being married to George. We have entirely too much fun just doing nothing with each other...perhaps this is why we haven't made an effort to do anything outrageous for any of our anniversaries thus far. Looking ahead...I think we'll have to be a bit more creative when we get to number ten, but there is a bit of time to think on that.
On another note, despite dismal weather forecasts, we have had rather lovely weather since the kids have been out of school for the Easter holidays. Today after a bit of charity shop scouring with my friend Sonia, I took the girls over to Castell Coch for lunch, tea and Welsh cakes. It has been a really beautiful day. I was persuaded to buy them two fantastic puppets from the shop in the castle: a king and a red dragon. So I expect they will be busy all afternoon planning this evening's entertainment, a puppet show. I just heard someone exclaim from the other room, "Pretty please with cabbage on top!!" Not sure if this is part of the show's script or real life dialogue.
Wishing you all the blessings of spring in this Holy Week.

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