Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Home for Half Term

February half term is often a bit dismal... I guess. We typically plan to be out of the country, somewhere sunnier and more cheerful, during this school break since I am always desperate for sunshine and a change of scenery. This year, however, we just couldn't quite manage it. I still can't quite wrap my head around the idea of overseas travel with three children... especially with the little one who still requires lots of work and isn't guaranteed to sleep when she's supposed to.

So we're home. And it's only Wednesday. And it already feels like it's been a really long week. We've been to the cinema twice, and each time, Lil was an absolute dream. We've done some mid-winter gardening and early spring cleaning. Emma and Sophie have discovered Mad Libs, and think that they are hysterical. Part of the body, anyone? At the age of five, any game that provides an excuse to write and read aloud the words "bottom", "toot", and "Aye Chihuahua!" is an extremely GOOD thing.

The girls have also done their fair share of getting on each other's nerves and complaining about being bored. Emma was horribly offended when I told her that only boring people get bored. I honestly don't remember the last time I was bored... not because I am so remarkably un-boring, but because there is ALWAYS something for me to do. Boredom sounds like quite a luxury actually. The photo below is just one example showing why no one at my house need ever be bored. See? There is always something to do.
We are still planning to head to London tomorrow evening for our appointment at the American Embassy on Friday morning. I have never been to an American Embassy. I can only assume we will all be asked to perform the secret American handshake and then offered peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Hopefully all with go well with procuring a passport for L.G. This half term has only confirmed that I will indeed be ready to get the heck out of Dodge soon!

1 comment:

Tiaras and Timeouts said...

I agree! We are not taking a family vacation over spring break (Easter week) this year, since we're planning a parents-only trip for our 10th anniversary in April... that will be one long week!! I'm almost hoping we will have to make up some snow days- how crazy!!
btw, love your blog!
Meredith :)