Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"W" is for 'werewolf.' Why not?

My excitement about sleeping through the night overwhelmed me yesterday.  It was all that I wrote about even though there was a bit more happening.  I spent the day with two little girls yesterday: Lili and a very dismal Sophie.  Even though she was running a fever and feeling "just terrible," Sophie still had to go to the doctor and run a few errands with me after we took Emma to school.  It was not a jolly morning for that girl.  I tried to make things a little more amusing for her by playing "I Spy" while we were waiting at the doctor's office.  When I spied with my little eye something starting with the letter "w," Sophie was certain that it was a werewolf.  I think we actually kept the entire reception area entertained with that game.

***Brief, off the subject, note about my healing progress:  Yes, I am STILL healing from that breast surgery that happened over three months ago.  The wound is still painful and simply will not close.  Last week a swab was done, and yesterday the results were in.  The wound is infected, so I am back on antibiotics AGAIN!  I am ever so hopeful that this will be the last of it and that my breasts (what little is left of them) will not be a blog-worthy topic in the future.***

When Sophie, Lili and I returned home later in the morning, the sick one spent much of the day sleeping and occasionally woke up and sucked on an ice lolly.  By the time the evening rolled around, she was running a fever of 103.6 degrees Fahrenheit.  (That's 39.7 degrees C if you're British.)  It's always a little scary when children get that hot, but she made it through the night tucked up in bed next to her dad.

Emma was eager to help out when she got home yesterday.  After her Brownie meeting last night, she and I had a really lovely chat.  I may have mentioned that Emma is a talker, so getting her to slow down and focus and have a nice, two-way conversation is always a treat.  (For example, when she was on the phone with my mother yesterday, I actually heard Emma say something like, "Here is a list of numbers that I find interesting: 1, 5, 10, 13, 17, 25..."  and on and on.  I know she's my daughter, and I love her, but that kind of incessant, nonsense talking makes me want to dive off a cliff.)  Emma and I also started reading a children's version of A Midsummer Night's Dream.  She was practically shrieking with delight as all of the mischievious meddling in love affairs began to unfold.  We are looking forward to the next bit of the story tonight.

This morning Sophie seems a good bit better, but last night's high fever earned her another day at home with mom.  So far she has spent the morning colouring and cutting out paper dresses to make a dress shop.  (This happened after she accidentally cut the head off of a girl she had drawn.  She decided she'd just chuck the head and carry on making more dresses for a shop.)  She has also made several Valentine cards for several special boys in her class.  Even when she's ill, that girl has her priorities in order.

Alright... I am off to make sure Sophie is all topped up with popsicles and to give Lili a few more kisses for sleeping well again last night.  I haven't mentioned that Lili is still in bed with me at night.  Don't judge me.  I just need the sleep.  If snuggling up with her means I get 7 hours at night, then sign me up.  One of these days, I'm sure she will transition into her cot, but for now I am just re-charging my sleep battery.  We have all been so out of sorts with our sleep patterns this winter.  More than half of the time Emma winds up bringing a sleeping bag into our bedroom and sleeping on the floor.  (She is still haunted late at night by that scene in Teen Wolf that she saw.  Seriously.) Right now, the only thing that is important to us is sleep.  We just want to get it whenever, wherever, and however we can.  Eventually I'm sure it will become a goal to have everyone 'getting it' in her own bed, but for now, just bring on the sleep any which way it comes.

Happy Groundhog Day... we almost forgot about that. Is it time for Groundhog Cupcakes again, girls??  (Blast!  All of my "actual photos" of our groundhog cupcakes are in storage in North Carolina.)

1 comment:

JaclynJohnson said...

We have been through our share of creative sleeping arrangements with both kids. Our priority? Everyone sleeping through the night- just not necessarily in their own bed.