Sunday, February 7, 2010

That's Entertainment!

...Because sometimes one fist just isn't enough 
Lili is over four months old now.  She is full of personality and has very cute and chubby thighs... just like her mama.  Last night we all climbed into the "family bed," as Emma calls it, and watched Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs while Lili shrieked with delight.  She took such pleasure in startling herself with the volume of her own voice.  In the end SHE was much more entertaining that our rented DVD.

There are plenty of wonderful reasons to have children.  Although they require massive amounts of work; they age their parents and deprive them of precious sleep and 'alone time', they are a truly fantastic source of entertainment.  Last night we all got so much enjoyment out of laughing at Lili as she shrieked and shouted with glee.  It really doesn't get much better.

(Emma decided to let Lil borrow her shoes last week.)

Sophie also keeps us entertained with her anecdotes about her many boyfriends at school and with her singing and dancing.  She often likes to 'go commando' at bedtime, which is fine by me.  She has learned, however, to flash us the goods under her nightie while singing (to the tune of Tom Petty's Free Falling), "Yeah, I'm Free... Free Knickin'!"  (American friends, she is celebrating her knicker/ panty- free condition.) 
Sophie and Emma have also recently become fans of the original Star Wars trilogy, and  Sophie likes to quote her favorite character, Han Solo, at ironically appropriate times.  Her impression is stunning: Laugh it up, Fur Ball!

And then there is Emma, my eldest and most tender-hearted, who keeps us entertained and on our toes with her astute observations and penetrating questions about life.  She also draws stunning pictures and writes voraciously.  Recently she has enjoyed publishing newspapers about her baby sister who is, according to the headlines, the world's strongest baby.
(Lili in her catbird seat during our walk/ bike ride on the Taff Trail yesterday.   No wonder my back is aching!!)

Sophie and Emma also went to their first art class at Llanover Hall yesterday where they made these...
We were really impressed with what they had done and with all of the artistic people on staff.  (There were lots of furry coats, spikey hair and eyebrow rings and such.)  I had to laugh at the pottery instructor in the girls' class.  She was obviously much more of an 'art person' than a 'kid person'.  When she brought out the massive block of clay, Sophie said, "Wow!  It's so big and heavy and wet!"  The instructor answered, "Of course it's wet.  We couldn't do anything with it if it were dry!"  Never mind that, the girls just loved her and spent two hours busily engaged in making a sheep and a dog.  The photograph really doesn't do thier work justice.  Sophie even learned to put the clay through a garlic press to make it look like sheep's wool.  Clever clever.  I think we now have plans for every Saturday morning!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I took Brittany to a ceramics studio around here...let her take a wheel class, paid for a glass-fusing class, bought clay for her to make presents with...
And she decided she'd rather go live in the great unknown than stay here.

Kids are apparently better if you make them from scratch -- but only if you start with the kinds of quality ingredients I don't have access to...

Glad you're having fun.