Saturday, August 28, 2010

Baby-Proofing the Third Time Around

Okay, so it is beyond time to baby-proof this house.  Above Lili is pictured helping herself to a raw potato from the cupboard.  Hey, a girl's gotta eat!   With so much going on, we are only just getting around to installing the annoying but necessary cabinet latches.  Lili, my favorite little curious and persistent imp, you  have scattered the contents of my cupboards all over the kitchen floor for the last time... I hope.

"Hey! Hey, Dad! What'cha Doin'??"

"Can I help??  This is so exciting!  I want to draw something too!"

"I'm really good with power tools.  Just leave me to it!"

"Hey! What the heck is this??  I know there are a lot of things in there that ought to be all over the floor!  Why can't I get in?"

My dear, you have been foiled by your clever Dad and Mom.  Now if only we could install child-safety latches on the teenage boys who come calling in a few years.


Holly B. said...

You'll have to let me know which cabinet latches you use. I've read conflicting reviews on various ones...the plastic ones, the magnetic ones, etc, etc. I know I've got awhile but figured I'd get someone's opinion who would know! :) BTW...your girls are super cute and I love all the pics!

Why Momma Loves the Maxi Dress said...

Ummm....yeah keep the boys away!!! Them girls' is done bid spoke fer'! you can sik' Luke on 'em.