Wednesday, August 4, 2010

War Wounds and a Good Dose of Flouride

A couple of days ago, Sophie's glass of milk slipped out of my fingers when I tried to sweep it off the counter.  It shattered everywhere, and we did our best to sweep up all of the pieces.  Apparently we missed a few.  Sophie found one with her knee at bedtime last night.  When she stood up and screamed, I very calmly pulled the glass out of her knee (y'all would have been so proud) and called for George as I calmly mopped up the blood and applied pressure with a wet towel. 

It was a nice, small but deep, cut.  Eagle Scout George took a look at it and decided that it might need a stitch or two, so he and Sophie (in her pink doggie night gown) headed over the the emergency room.  After waiting an hour and being told that it might be another five hours before they'd even see a doctor, they decided that the stitches could wait until morning, but sleep couldn't.

So... all four of us girls got to take a little field trip to the Urgent Care clinic this morning.  The above photo shows Sophie pretending to be very nervous.  This was taken several minutes before she became ACTUALLY very nervous.  She didn't know there was going to be an injection involved to numb the area!!  Never mind, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, and she held it together pretty well.  In the end she felt like a war hero.

Here she is all bandaged up and almost ready to smile again.

Three stitches were required to close up that little wound.  Wanna see?  You kow Sophie is happy to oblige...

Later today Sophie, Emma and I all had dental appointments.  I'm sure you don't normally get all that excited about going to the dentist, but after five years in the UK, we are thrilled to have a real live American dentist again.  While I had my teeth examined and cleaned, Lili sat on my lap screeching and playing peek-a-boo with my paper "dentist bib," Sophie used the dentist's water squirter and mouth vacuum on my hair and ear, and Emma stood over me and made helpful comments like, "Ew, Mom, your gums are all bloody."  Can't wait to do that again in six months!

Here's hoping tomorrow is just slightly less full of fun!

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