Sunday, October 3, 2010

"Celebrate the Moments of Your Life"

You only turn ONE once, which is why you should celebrate the occasion at least twice!
We had a few friends join us on Friday evening, and we celebrated Lili's big event one more time.  Why not?  She is now a serious expert on the subject of cake.

It's your birthday!  Happy Birthday! It's for real though; not for play play.

So I am now the mother of a one year old, a six year old and an eight year old.  The only problem is: they keep changing their ages on me.  Just when I get used to saying, "Emma is eight," she will have gone off and become nine.  It is never ending.  Sometimes I wish childhood came with a pause button, but of course it does not.  That means, Moms and Dads, you must savor all of those little precious, golden moments.  You know, the ones like this...

Hold on to those babies while you can.  Tomorrow they won't be quite as little.

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