Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Showing Off Can Be a Good Thing!

Today was "Show Off Day" in Emma and Sophie's classes, so I got to spend this sunny morning with my girls in their school environment. Emma showed me all of the work she's been doing. Her artwork and writing are so impressive. There is definitely room for another writer in the family. I suppose we should attribute her artistic skills to Mimi. Emma's drawings are so detailed and fantastic. I am excited about how she will develop these gifts in the years to come.

Sophie also took me through her classroom where I couldn't help but notice her lovely photograph hung up at the front of the room since she was the Superstar of the Day! Sophie also showed me her tray full of excellent work. Her reading is coming along really well and earned her a reading trophy recently. There was definitely cause to "show off" today. Sophie also took me into the infants' garden where there are lots of flowers as well as apples and tomatoes growing. She likes to go out and water them and to just be a helpy-helperton in general.
(Sophie in the infants' garden)

On another note... I am actually soliciting advice for once. I would welcome advice on how to prepare my two little queen bees for the new little ladybug. Emma seems to be fretting a lot lately about becoming irrelevent when the new baby comes. She seems to think no one will have any time for her or any interest in her. I want her to be prepared for the fact that for a few weeks, I will be really tired and sore, BUT that she will always be so special and loved... and of course, I will still read her stories and be her mama!

Sophie is also struggling to adjust to the idea of no longer being the "little one." I would say she is rather resistant to the whole idea actually. Anytime Emma really wants to make her mad, she tells her, "Sophie, you know you're not really the baby anymore." (Yes, can you believe dear Emma could be so cruel!?) This statement always sends Sophie through the roof. So this is a whole different issue. Girls are sure complicated. Things were much simpler when I was pregnant with Sophie and Emma was only one and a half.

I have no doubt we will get through all of this and that everyone will realize that they are indeed still loved and important, but if anyone has any helpful advice, bring it on.


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