Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Blase' About Being Breech...

I saw my obstetric consultant at the hospital today, and every time I think about it, I have a little chuckle. The doctor is very laid back and British. I have been rather concerned and puzzled by the fact that this baby has been breech for many weeks now. The fact that she is breech may just be a blessing since I haven't had any issues with premature labour this time around.

My consultant took my word for it when I told her the baby was still head up. She said, "This is your third baby; you would know." I was relieved when she did actually put her hands on me and confirm that yes, she thought it felt breech as well. A very apologetic male, med. student also had a go feeling me up since he had never felt a breech one before.

I really expected that at 36 weeks, my doctor would spring into action and set the wheels of my birth plan in motion, but this was not at all the case. She was not concerned. She said the baby could very well turn still and that she would just see me back in two weeks. If I happen to go into labour before 38 weeks, she advised that I should mention the fact that I suspect the baby is breech when I go into the hospital... you know, just casually. None of this really worries me, but it is interesting because I know it is quite different from the way things would be happening if I were pregnant in the US. And I am still really hoping the girl decides to turn a cartwheel in the next week or so. It's feeling pretty crowded in there now!!

Another funny anecdote... yesterday while Emma was at Brownies, I took Sophie over to visit her old pal Lucia. She hadn't seen Lucia in many months, and the two picked up right where they left off, while her mum, Caroline and I had a lovely chat and a hot cup of tea. After a nice visit, I firmly persuaded Sophie that it was time to go. It was only then that Lucia looked at me and queried, "Are you going to have a baby?" I told her that I was indeed. She, then, pointed to my extremely 'outed' belly button, which is quite obvious through my shirt now, and asked, "Is that your baby's nose??" Out of the mouths of babes, right?

If anyone has any sensible advice on how to persuade a breech baby to spontaneously turn, I am all ears!


David Carson said...

This should help: http://www.ehow.com/how_2093465_teach-child-cartwheel.html

mamacarson said...

Thanks, David, this should indeed be very helpful. :)