Friday, September 18, 2009

Sophie Learns About Love on the Playground

Ok... here comes another entry in which I attempt to re-create a funny conversation I had with one of my children...

Yesterday on the way to school, Sophie told me, "Harry Lynch doesn't really want to play with me anymore."

Me: Oh, that must make you feel very sad.

Soph: Yeah, he only wants to play with other boys now.

Me: Yes, sometimes boys do that when they are young. They decide they would just rather play with boys. Then in a few years they decide they really like girls again. You know it's nothing to do with you.

Soph: Yes, I know. I'm fabulous.

Me: Right, well, you could have a chat with him to tell him that you miss playing with him and ask if there's a reason he doesn't want to play anymore.

Soph: Yes, I will get on that today.

AFTER SCHOOL that same day...

Me: Did you have your chat with Harry today?

Soph: Yes

Me: How did it go?

Soph: Not very well...

(At this point Emma interrupted us with some news about her day, so I never actually got the details of the conversation with Harry.)

Me: So what happened then?

Soph: Well, I just decided to get on with it. I played with Riley and Rio and Sam... (She went on to list several other boys from her class.) And THEN all of a sudden Harry wanted to be my boyfriend again!!

I think our girl Sophie has just learned a valuable lesson about boys.

She later revealed that she told him that she couldn't be bothered with being his girlfriend anymore; she just wanted to play with everyone. This is why Sophie is one of my heroes. She is most definitely a girl who will not be messed about with.

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