Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'm Still Here

One of these days I'm sure I will be furiously blogging again, but lately I don't seem to be doing anything very furiously. I am 35 weeks along in my pregnancy, and apparently looking "cooked" according to the other mums at school. "How much longer have you got to go?" seems to be the most popular question...as if I know the answer to that one! I really have no idea. When I was pregnant with Sophie, I just knew I wouldn't make it much farther than 36 weeks, but this time around, things are entirely different. This little one has her feet comfortably wedged over my pelvic bones and her head lodged stubbornly beneath my ribs. She doesn't appear ready to emerge any time soon.

You wouldn't think that we were preparing for a new baby by the way we are packing the activities in lately. I have been busy finishing off my term as PTA chairperson and am hoping to successfully pass the job on to someone new this Thursday evening at the Annual General Meeting. Emma has taken on Brownies, French lessons, guitar classes and Judo. George is working and rehearsing for a play that will be put on by the local drama group at the end of November. (It's his turn now!) And Sophie is staying busy keeping the rest of us in line. Her new favourite thing to say whenever she percieves that there is unnecessary drama at our house is, "What a palaver!!" (an expression she picked up from our good friend Sonia-- so funny to hear coming out of her 5 year old mouth!)

We also have a fun-filled weekend to look forward to... We are all planning a trip into town to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at the New Theatre on Saturday. Emma is so excited she can hardly stand it, and Sophie is finding Emma's enthusiasm to be quite contagious. On Sunday I am having a British baby shower thrown in my honor. I have felt so loved by all of my British mummy friends who have approached me and said, "We need to throw you a shower, don't we??" Baby showering is not at all a British tradition, so I am feeling ever so special!

Enjoy the week, everyone, and avoid any unnecessary palavering if you can manage!


Shay-Zee said...

Pharoah's number two
EEEgypt looks to you

mamacarson said...

Go go go, Joseph, you know what they say!
Hang on now, Joseph, you'll make it someday!
Sha la la Joseph, you're doing fine
You and your dreamcoat ahead of your time!

Where's my sparkly outfit!??