Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Back to Life...

Back to the daily grind!  The snow has all melted, and we have been forced to re-join the real world.  The real world is far too busy a place.  Not only have I been busy with getting people settled back into the school routine, cooking, cleaning and baby entertaining and maintaining, but I have also been keeping myself busy watching the entire first season of Glee in just a few marathon sessions.  I just couldn't help myself.  (I so want to be in a show choir again.)

I have also been extremely busy smothering Lili with hugs and kisses and calling her names like 'Honey Pie' and 'Sugar Snap Peapod' since she has been regularly giving me a 6-7 hour stretch of sleep each night!!  We think this is awesome at our house.  If you have a story about how all of your little Huckleberries slept through the night from the time they were three weeks old, you can kindly kiss my grits.  We simply do not have babies like that in our family.
I also took the above photo of Lili and me to illustrate her new 'male pattern baldness' hairdo.  Most of the hair on top is gone and she is left with a ring of dark baby hair all the way around the bottom.  Who knows what her new hair will be like?  My mother predicts that she will have auburn hair giving us brood that resembles Charlie's Angels.  If Lili does turn out to be a ginger ninja, I will probably have some 'splaining to do since I don't know of any redheads in our family.

You may also be able to detect the glistening drops of drool running down my chest in the above photo.  Lili's newest hobbies are drooling and chewing on fingers.  She excells at both.  She also enjoys 'riding a little horsey down to town.'  The horsey can often inspire super cute giggles.  We all like the horsey.

That's really all the news I have time to report now.  Soon I will try to provide updates on Sophia's love life and our attempts to help Emma remember to take her head with her when she leaves the house in the morning, but for now, I must dash... Emma is having a disco upstairs with her friend Lili, and Sophie just returned from a romantic play date with her fiance, Dmitry.  I'd better go ensure that all is well on the homefront.

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