Monday, January 31, 2011

Baby's First Snow Fest

Actually it was the first Snow Fest for ALL of the Carsons on Saturday in Frankenmuth.  The giant snow sculptures were certainly impressive, but the best thing about our day was reconnecting with an old friend who was in town with her adorable family.  She and I were pregnant together twice, and her boys and my girls seemed to pick up right where they left off about six years ago...but without the diapers and oral fixations this time.  Here are three of them frolicking amongst some typical Michigan winter scenery...

And here is another particularly impressive snow sculpture.  It kind of makes our anatomically correct snow dude from last winter appear inadequate.  Poor guy.

As spectacular as those snow sculptures were, we found ourselves even more captivated by the breath-takingly beautiful single snow flakes we kept finding on each other.  Here is a rather poor photo of a perfectly wondrous pair of tiny snow flakes that landed in Emma's hair...

After a few hours in Frankenmuth we decided we were cold enough and headed back to our cars.  On the way Lili expressed her extreme displeasure with the freezing temperatures.  Her little mittens just weren't doing the trick.  When George buckled that sad sack into her car seat and took off those mittens, he discovered that her fingers resembled icicles.  Oops.  Note to self: Buy Lili some better mittens,  Luckily she got over it.  All three of those girls recovered from our busy day out in the tundra....
"January brings the snow, makes our feet and fingers glow." -Sara Coleridge
Stay Warm, Y'all!

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