Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I Am the Grown Up!

I have this daughter named Emma, and she and I have had a passionate relationship from the beginning.  I told my husband earlier this week that she is like the boyfriend that I am head over heels for, but with whom I eventually have to break up because we fight too much.  Obviously I do not plan to "break up" with my daughter, but I do need to remember that I AM THE GROWN UP and when she pushes my buttons, it probably isn't the best course of action to stomp my feet and scream, "Arrrgh!!  EMMA!!" in the middle of the grocery store.

Hugging seems to help.  When I find that I have allowed myself to be dragged into the childish drama, when I realize that I am arguing fiercely with an eight year old, when I just want to vent and scream,  I remember: I am the grown up.  And I stop.  And I hug that impossible little girl for as long as it takes my blood pressure to regulate.  Then I say, "I'm sorry."  and "I love you."  Because I am the grown up, and I am the one who is supposed to remember and understand how difficult and awkward growing up is.  I am the one who is supposed to be compassionate when the drama erupts.  I am the one who is supposed to set a good example.  I am not perfect, but I am getting pretty good at hugging and saying, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I got frustrated and raised my voice.  I'm sorry you had to learn a hard lesson today.  I'm sorry that you don't have a perfect mother, but God put us together for a reason."

Who knows why Emma and I butt heads so regularly?  Why does it bother me so that her hair is always in her face or that she is constantly forgetting or losing things?  I am guessing that she and I have a lot to learn from each other.  Just like that boyfriend who was tons of fun one minute and then aggravating as snot the next, a day with Emma is both the best and worst of times.  Unlike that old flame however, she is stuck with me for good, and I wouldn't have it any other way... Let's keep hugging until I can say that with even more confidence.

"A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be a friend." -Author Unknown

p.s. Thanks to Molly Cook Photography for these fab pics of my beautiful Emma.
p.p.s  Thanks for allowing this mom to be so honest.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Okay, this one made me tear up:) Love this post!