Sunday, January 9, 2011

Not Too SAD After All

Good news!  Although we have spent a large part of this past week dealing with the drama that ensued when we discovered that our basement had flooded, I seem to be coping  rather well with the dreaded Michigan winter and my seasonal affective disorder.  To be honest I haven't really been struck by the blues this year, but I did find that my sleep patterns were pretty disrupted throughout December.  Typically when I found myself wide awake and full of energy at 11:30 pm, I would entertain George by showing off my best Jazzercize moves in our home office.  He was impressed but seemed eager to hook up my light box so that I could get myself back into a more sensible Circadian rhythm.  Although I was full of fun late in the evening, I would be a groggy mess in the morning.  But I am pleased to report that the light box coupled with getting back into a more sensible routine seems to have fixed me.  Sometimes I can however sense that George yearns for my old second wind shenanigans, so I will oblige by throwing on  a little CeeLo Green and busting out some chasses and turned out triplets.  Nothing cheers a man up like a good Jazzercise demonstration after a long day at work.

With all of that said this week has been largely spent dealing with our swampy basement.  It really doesn't even feel interesting enough to write about.  Tuesday evening I went down the stairs to pull some chicken out of the freezer and discovered a complete marshland.  The rest of the evening was spent unpacking all of those now wet boxes that should have been unpacked months ago.  The next day Jim the plumber came and gave us a new sump pump and the Disaster Relief Dudes (not the actual name of their business) came and set up lots of giant fans to dry everything out.  Those fans are still going by the way.  We are slowly getting the basement back to normal and at worst it has all been a somewhat expensive inconvenience.

I remain hopeful that this week will present me with more inspiring writing topics than basement flooding.

p.s. Emma Carson is an excellent masseuse.  She has been exercising her talents on my back, neck and shoulders as I typed this.  Hence she is being honored with her photograph at the top of the page.  Thanks, Emma, and don't think I didn't notice that you also just put your bedtime off for an extra half hour.

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