Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ice Cube Said It Best...

Today was a good day. There is a superstitious part of me that hated typing that last statement since the last time I did, it all went pear-shaped shortly thereafter. But I say pooh-pooh to superstition; it WAS a good day.

Lili allowed me five very broken and interrupted hours of sleep last night, and that is an improvement. This morning after breakfast, Lili gave Sophie the biggest grin ever, and Sophie was thrilled that she had elicited such a fabulous response from her "so adorable baby sister." I actually took a shower and washed my hair (for the first time in four days--Ew.) The district nurse visited and gave me a positive report about the healing progress of my wound. It will still have to be packed daily for a few more weeks, but there is no infection and all seems to be healing very well. My friend Sonia and I took Lili out for the first time ever in her pram. She loved the movement and the cool, fresh air and subsequently took a fantastic long nap allowing me to eat lunch without having to simultaneously bounce a baby. (Told you it was a good day!)

A bit later we went to Lili's six week check at the doctor's office, and I actually drove us there myself. Hallelujah! Lili is now a strapping 8 1/2 pounds, being fed solely on milk from my one healthy breast. After our doctor's visit Lili and I collected Emma and Sophie from school for the first time since she was born. Everyone was excited to see us, but especially our big girls.

Lili has been in good spirits for most of the day. I think it is good for both of us to get out and have some fresh air and a change of scenery. (Maybe she'll sleep a bit better tonight as a result of all of our activity today?? One can hope!)

All of us are enjoying our new little one as she gets a bit older. She is so alert and looks right into our faces now as we chat with her. Now if I can only get her to sleep during those dark hours at night...

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