Monday, November 30, 2009

Bright as a Button!

Not much to write about today; just thought I'd post a semi-smiley photo of the Lili monster. For a few weeks it seemed I had her internal clock sorted, but for the past week, she's been back to her old, wicked, Carson ways... up at all hours of the night. Mind you, she isn't unpleasant, just awake and eager for company. Last night at around midnight I took her downstairs to George and handed her (wide awake and grinning) over to him: "Here, you two deserve each other!" I said.

Three hours later, bless his heart, George stumbled into our bedroom and mumbled, "I have to go to sleep now. Can you take her back?" I hadn't meant for him to stay up half the night with her, but I must say, I think that was the best three hours of sleep I've ever had. Now... looking ahead to tonight...perhaps things will be better?? She is two months old today. High time she learned to sleep at night, I say.

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