Friday, November 20, 2009

Look Out, Stella, I'm Gainin' on Ya!

Even though the forecast called for rain and gale force winds, it has turned out to be an absolutely beautiful day. So after having my wound packed fiercely by the very gentle-looking Nurse Michelle at my local GP, Lili and I along with my adventurous friend Sonia hit the Taff Trail for some exercise, fresh air and sunshine. It was an especially good work out for me since I had Lili strapped to my chest in the 'Snugli' carrier. The River Taff was raging due to our recent deluge; the trail was completely mucky, and I was in high spirits, filling my five senses with life once again! Afterwards Lili was full of smiles so the fresh air must have done her good too.

Now I am off to make either carrot cake or cranberry & white chocolate chunk cookies in anticipation of our Thanksgiving feast tomorrow!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

YAY Meredith!
I am so glad things are getting back to normal for you!!!