Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Women are from Venus...Thank GOD!

Today has brought me some comfort in the form of female friends. Earlier today when I wrote, I was obviously feeling very burdened. Two friends stopped me at school and asked how I was doing...because they genuinely wanted to know. It wasn't just making polite conversation but genuine concern. I hesitantly unloaded a bit of my grief and found myself feeling a bit lighter. Throughout the day at home I took it pretty easy. The day is pretty much a blur. Later in the afternoon before going to get the kids from school, I received a call from my friend and PTA cohort Liz, who expressed her genuine concern and commiserated about the "hit and miss" business of maternity care with the NHS. She also offered up a good friend of hers who is on the senior staff at the local University Hospital. If, after meeting with my consultant next week, I find I am still feeling less that satisfied with my care, I am to call Liz, and she will put her medical friend on the case. Once again I felt a bit lighter.

Then at school another friend whom I hadn't seen in a while, stopped to wish me congratulations. She gladly listened as I allowed her to lighten my burden a bit more. Ah... I am feeling much lighter now just when I thought I was in the depths of despair.

Don't get me wrong. I love my husband and know he loves me, but he is a man, and therefore from Mars. Sometimes a girl doesn't want her problems to be fixed. She just wants to share the burden for a few minutes. Thank Heaven for little girls...and for full-grown ones too.

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