Monday, May 25, 2009

Hottest Day of the Year!

Apparently yesterday was the hottest day of the year (thus far). This is a concept the Brits seem to be thoroughly obsessed with. We nearly reached 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and it was lovely. From the smell of things, I think everyone in our neighborhood had fired up the backyard barbeque (including us). The best thing about the day for me was lying on a blanket atop freshly cut grass in our backgarden. The girls joined me in the sunshine, and we enjoyed clever conversation, cheese, crackers and grapes. It doesn't get much better.

Later on in the evening our friends, the Collinses. joined us for a barbeque. I couldn't resist the opportunity to snap a few pics of the girls. Pictures taken in natural light are always the best. Today it is rainy again, but we are basking in the memory of the sun and holding out hope that it will return again later this week.

Emma in the garden

Sophie knows how to pose like a champ. Yep, she's a 'corn lover'!

Happy Memorial Day, friends!

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