Monday, August 17, 2009

Honest, Love, It's Fabulous!

If you check in with my blog regularly, you may have noticed that it occasionally changes its colour or style, but that it always seems to revert back to the tried and true green. I like the green since so many of the photographs I take and post are green...We are in Wales, after all.

Obviously things have changed today, and I am trying out another new look. My daughter Emma helped me with this one. I do miss the green, but I also quite fancy the polka dots. Emma declares that my blog's appearance is finally worthy of being called, "Peter Perfect" (in honor of her favorite, ascot-clad, stiletto-booted British stylist). I don't suppose I can get a better compliment from her. She also threw in an "Honest, Love, it's fabulous!!" in a thick Welshy accent. What am I going to do with her?

On a different topic, it's a good thing the kids are back at Sports Stars Camp for a few days this week as they seem to have loads of energy while my energy levels are fading quickly. This mama is tired. George says he is tired too because I disturb him when I have to get up and pee seventeen times in the middle of the night. Oh, bless him.
I saw a pregnant friend's 'status update' on Facebook this morning said, "Kim is getting kicked--lots!" I can relate. For at least an hour this morning, I could have sworn the baby was using my bladder as a trampoline. I kept crying out, "Ya killin' me, Kid!!" which Sophie thought was very funny indeed.
When I visited the community midwife last week, she was convinced, after palpating my abdomen, that the baby was breech. This is a new one for me since my previous two have been head down and engaged from very early on. However, Babes is extremely active in there, so hopefully she will sort herself out before her birthday.
A couple of weeks ago I read something in one of my pregnancy books that sounded ever so pleasant and innocuous. It said something like, "You may now be able to recognize your baby's patterns of sleep and wakefulness."
My translation goes something like this:
  • 10pm-midnight: Baby practices Tae Bo and Pilates routines
  • 4am-5am: Jazzercize (Get those knees up, girls!)
  • 8am-9am: Trampolining (You weren't hoping to salvage your bladder at all mom, right?).
  • Throughout the rest of the day: Brace yourself for surprise intervals of karate chops and kick boxing-- just to keep things interesting.
It has been five years since I was last pregnant, so maybe I have just forgotten about all of this, but I swear I don't recall such boisterous en utero antics. Maybe it is due to the fact that she is turned a different way...or maybe she is just a super active girl. Whatever the case, her energy, is unfortunately NOT contagious. I need a nap!
Until next time, hope YOU are feeling fabulous and 'Peter Perfect.'

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Maybe the baby is more active this go-round because YOU are more active with this pregnancy?